David Contant

David Contant



Born and raised in Northern Ontario, David Contant has practiced law throughout the Province of Ontario since being called to the bar in 2005.

Before starting his own practice, David held various senior positions at two of Ottawa’s leading full-service law firms, including as a partner and department head.

David is certified by the Law Society of Ontario as a Specialist in Civil Litigation, and has extensive experience in commercial litigation, employment law and construction claims.

David views litigation as a problem to be solved, not a war to be won.

The only real yardstick for success in most civil litigation is money. If you are a Plaintiff, the goal is typically to put as much money into your pocket net of legal fees and disbursements as possible. If you are a Defendant, the goal is typically to pay as little as possible, including in terms of legal fees and disbursements.

When he is not working, you can find David driving his teenagers from place to place and living vicariously through them.  Sometimes they will even join him for a camping trip, or a hike (in remote places where they cannot be seen with their embarrassing father).  David likes to think he has a great sense of humour…his family disagrees…